Fallbrook Union Elementary School District Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program

Understanding Our Water Systems

At Fallbrook Union Elementary School District, we recognize that our sewer system and storm drain system serve distinct purposes. Wastewater from sinks and toilets is directed to a treatment plant, where it is thoroughly treated and filtered. In contrast, storm drains collect rainwater that flows off surfaces like driveways, streets, and school yards, directing it straight into local waterways—like the San Luis Rey River—without treatment. This water can gather harmful pollutants along its journey.

Sources of Pollution

Rainwater runoff can carry various pollutants. Oil and grit from vehicles, as well as chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides used in our gardens, are just a few examples. Additionally, residues from car washing can contaminate stormwater. During the initial rainfall after a dry period, the first flush of stormwater can contain pollutants equivalent to untreated sewage. Furthermore, organic debris like leaves can decompose in our waterways, depleting oxygen levels and endangering aquatic life.

Impacts on Our Environment

Polluted stormwater can severely impact drinking water sources, recreational areas, and local wildlife. Contaminated runoff has led to closures of beaches, lakes, and creeks in our region. Protecting our water is crucial for the health of our community and ecosystems, as water is vital for life.

Preventing Storm Water Pollution

By working together, we can keep our stormwater clean and protect the natural beauty and health of Fallbrook. Let’s commit to these practices for a cleaner, greener community!

Fallbrook Union Elementary School District Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)


The Fallbrook Union Elementary School District is committed to the development, implementation, and maintenance of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to effectively reduce pollutants in stormwater discharge and comply with the General Storm Water Permit requirements. The primary goals of this SWPPP are to:

  • Identify potential sources of pollutants affecting stormwater discharge from our school facilities.
  • Describe the practices that will be implemented to prevent or control the release of pollutants in stormwater discharges.
  • Create an implementation schedule to ensure that these practices are enacted and to evaluate the plan’s effectiveness in reducing pollutant levels in stormwater discharges.

Plan Components

This SWPPP includes the following key elements:

  1. SWPPP Coordinator:
    • The SWPPP Coordinator for Fallbrook Union Elementary School District will be Bryson Bickler, Director of Facilities, Maintenance and Operations. This individual is responsible for overseeing the implementation and maintenance of the SWPPP, coordinating training, and ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements.
  2. SWPPP Implementation Team:
    • The implementation team will consist of representatives from various departments, including maintenance, facilities management, and environmental health. Team members will collaborate to address stormwater issues effectively.
  3. Facility Description:
    • This SWPPP covers all school sites within the Fallbrook Union Elementary School District, including all sites. 
  4. Identification of Potential Stormwater Contaminants:
    • The SWPPP team will identify and respond to concerns regarding specific potential contaminants, such as oil and grease from vehicle maintenance, fertilizers and pesticides from landscaping, and debris from school activities, that may affect stormwater quality.
  5. Storm Water Management Controls and Best Management Practices (BMPs):
    • Regular maintenance of landscaping to minimize runoff.
    • Designated wash areas for vehicles that are equipped with appropriate drainage.
    • Educational programs for staff and students on pollution prevention.
  6. Facility Monitoring Plan:
    • A monitoring plan will be established to regularly assess stormwater quality and the effectiveness of implemented BMPs. This may include visual inspections, sampling, and analysis of stormwater runoff.
    • By adhering to this Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, Fallbrook Union Elementary School District aims to safeguard our local waterways and promote environmental stewardship within our community.
Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission is to prepare every student leader with the knowledge and skill-set needed to thrive in high school, college, and career.

Our Vision is for every FUESD student to be a confident, compassionate and courageous member of the community, who is prepared to make a meaningful contribution to the world.

Contact Us

321 Iowa St.
Fallbrook, CA 92028

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