Comprehensive School Safety Plans

The California Education Code (sections 32280-32288) outlines the requirements of all public
school districts operating any schools (including charter schools) serving grades kindergarten
through 12, inclusive, to write and develop a Comprehensive School Safety Plan (CSSP) that
include strategies aimed at the prevention of, and education about, potential incidents involving
crime and violence on the school campus.

For school districts such as FUESD with an enrollment of 2,501 and more students, each
school in the district must have a completed Safe School Plan in place that is reviewed,
updated, and approved annually.

As of fall 2019, CSSPs are required to assess the current status of school crime committed on
school campuses and at school-related functions and identify appropriate strategies and
programs that will provide or maintain a high level of school safety and address the school’s
procedures for complying with existing laws related to school safety, which shall include, at a
minimum, the development of all of the following TEN elements:

(A) Child abuse reporting
(B) Emergency/disaster preparedness (crisis response plan)
(C) School suspension/expulsion policies
(D) Procedures to notify teachers of dangerous pupils
(E) Discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying policies
(F) School-wide dress code
(G) Safe ingress and egress
(H) Maintaining a safe and orderly environment
(I) Rules and procedures on school discipline
(j) Tactical responses to criminal incidents


School Safety Plans must be developed by a School Site Council (SSC) or Safety Planning
Committee, comprised of a minimum of the school principal (or designee), certificated staff,
classified staff, and a parent(s) of a current student(s).

The plan must also be developed in consultation with law enforcement, a fire agency, and
other first responders.

Timeline and approval

The SSC or Safety Committee must review and update and submit the plan to the District
Office for approval before March 1 each year. A public meeting where the public can
provide comments/opinions before adoption must be held. The Board shall review the
comprehensive school safety plans in order to ensure compliance with state law, Board policy,
and administrative regulation. Board approval of the plan shall occur at a regularly scheduled

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission is to prepare every student leader with the knowledge and skill-set needed to thrive in high school, college, and career.

Our Vision is for every FUESD student to be a confident, compassionate and courageous member of the community, who is prepared to make a meaningful contribution to the world.

Contact Us

321 Iowa St.
Fallbrook, CA 92028

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