Regular Board Meeting – 3/14/24


Voting Members

  • Mr. Ricardo Favela, Board President
  • Ms. Suzanne Lundin, Board Vice President
  • Dr. Constance Fish, Board Member


1. Meeting Called to Order

The meeting was called to order by Board President, Ricardo Favela, at 5:00 p.m.

2. Hearing Session

There were no requests for public comment.

3. Adjourn into Closed Session

The Governing Board adjourned into closed session at 5:01 p.m.

4. Closed Session

a. Personnel
b. Conference with Legal Counsel – Potential Litigation
c. Conference with Labor Negotiators

5. Return from Closed Session and reconvene into Open Session

The Governing Board returned from closed session and reconvened into open session at 6:04 p.m.

6. Public Report of Action Taken in Closed Session

In closed session, the Board received a letter from Leonard Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services. The letter informed the Board and Superintendent of Mr. Rodriguez’s decision to terminate his current Contract of Employment, effective June 30, 2024. The letter was signed by Mr. Rodriguez, and was received by the Superintendent on March 11, 2024. The Board and Superintendent honored Mr. Rodriguez’s request.

Upon the motion of Trustee Lundin, seconded by Trustee Fish, and a unanimous vote of 3 to 0, the Board accepted Mr. Rodriguez resignation as Assistant Superintendent of Student Services and appointed him as Senior Director, Educational Services, effective July 1, 2024.

7. Flag Salute/Student Presentation

The flag salute and student presentation were led by student leaders from Mary Fay Pendleton Elementary.

8. Approve Minutes of the February 6, 2024 Special Meeting and the February 15, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

It is recommended the Governing Board approve the minutes of the February 6, 2024 Special Meeting and the February 15, 2024 Regular Board Meeting.

For the February 6, 2024 Special Board Meeting
Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
Motion seconded by: Mr. Ricardo Favela
Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Abstain
Dr. Constance Fish – Yes

For the February 15, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
Motion seconded by: Mr. Ricardo Favela
Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Dr. Constance Fish – Yes


1. Hearing Session

There were no requests for public comment.

2. Report from the Base Liaison

Dr. Jeff Paull did not provide a report during the meeting.

3. Reports from the Board

Ms. Suzanne Lundin and Dr. Connie Fish did not provide any reports during the meeting.

Mr. Ricardo Favela reported that he had the opportunity to attend the reclassification ceremony at La Paloma Elementary and congratulated students who were successfully reclassified. Mr. Favela then addressed the challenging subject of budget cuts, which he acknowledged has been a matter of considerable concern. He expressed his deep sympathies for all those impacted, admitting the difficulty of facing such circumstances. He stressed his understanding of the critical importance of all affected positions, describing the situation as unfortunate.

4. Report from the Superintendent

Ms. Monika Hazel reported that all eight FUESD schools have achieved the California Purple Star School designation, acknowledging their exceptional support for military-connected students and families.

Ms. Hazel shared that 20th Anniversary of Fallbrook A Leer would be taking place on March 23rd at Maie Ellis Elementary, celebrating two decades of fostering a love for reading among young students. Ms. Hazel emphasized the importance of this event in building a strong, educated community.

Reflecting on the success of Read Across America Week, Ms. Hazel noted the engaging activities aimed at promoting literacy, including her participation as a guest reader. The week-long celebration showcased the district’s dedication to encouraging reading from an early age through various initiatives.

Lastly, Ms. Hazel highlighted the upcoming State Virtual Migrant Education Program Parent Conference, emphasizing the significance of Region 9’s representation and the range of topics to be covered in breakout sessions and highlighting FUESD’s Oscar Caralampio.


1. Action: Resolution #14-23/24: Fallbrook A Leer Appreciation Day

It is recommended the Governing Board adopt Resolution #14-23/24 designating March 23, 2024 as Fallbrook A Leer Appreciation Day.

  • Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
  • Voting:
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes

2. Action: Resolution #23-23/24: Recognition of César Chávez Day

It is recommended the Governing Board adopt Resolution #23-23/24 designating March 31, 2024 as César Chávez Day.

  • Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
  • Motion seconded by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Voting:
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes

3. Information: 2024-2025 District Office Reorganization


1. Process to Fill Trustee Vacancy

Ms. Monika Hazel, Superintendent, provided a presentation to discuss the legal requirements and next steps related to filling the vacancy.


1. Action: Adopt Process to Fill Governing Board Vacancy

It is recommended the Governing Board commence a process ending with a timely provisional appointment as required by law.

Suzanne Lundin made a motion to move forward with a provisional appointment. Connie Fish seconded.

  • Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
  • Motion seconded by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Voting:
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes

2. Action: Appoint Board Subcommittee (2 Board Members) and Superintendent to Assist with Board Vacancy Process

The Governing Board discussed the formation of a Board Subcommittee to assist with the Board vacancy process. It was recommended that the Subcommittee be composed of two members from the Governing Board alongside the Superintendent. The floor was then opened for nominations for the first Subcommittee member.

Connie Fish nominated Suzanne Lundin for the position, with the nomination seconded by Mr. Favela. A vote was called, resulting in unanimous approval from Trustees Fish, Lundin, and Favela, thereby appointing Suzanne Lundin as the first member of the Subcommittee.

Connie Fish was nominated for the second member position of the Subcommittee. The nomination received unanimous support, as evidenced by affirmative votes from Trustees Fish, Lundin, and Favela, confirming Connie Fish as the second Subcommittee member.

3. Action: 2024 CSBA Delegate Assembly Election

The Governing Board recommended casting votes in favor of all the candidates presented for the vacancies on the California School Boards Association (CSBA) Region 17 Delegate Assembly.

  • Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
  • Voting:
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes


1. Action: Resolution #15-23/24: To Designate Authorized Representative to San Diego County Schools Risk Management Joint Powers of Authority

It is recommended the Governing Board approve Resolution #15-23/24 to designate an authorized representative to San Diego County Schools Risk Management Joint Powers Authority (JPA).

  • Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
  • Motion seconded by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Voting:
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes

2. Action: Resolution #16-23/24: To Designate Authorized Representative to San Diego County Schools Fringe Benefits Consortium

It is recommended the Governing Board approve Resolution #16-23/24 to designate an authorized representative to San Diego County Schools Fringe Benefits Consortium for Fringe Benefits Programs.

  • Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
  • Voting:
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes

3. Action: Annual Fiscal Resolutions for the 2023-2024 School Year

It is recommended the Governing Board approve the following fiscal resolutions: #17-23/24 payment order resolution; #18-23/24 designating authorized agents to sign commercial warrants; #19-23/24 authorizing the replacement of warrants; #20-23/24 establishing temporary interfund transfers; #21-23/24 requesting temporary transfer of funds and #22-23/24 designating authorized agents to receive mail and pick up warrants at the County Office of Education.

  • Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
  • Voting:
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes

4. Action: Second Interim Report

It is recommended the Governing Board approve the Second Interim Report.

  • Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
  • Motion seconded by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Voting:
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes


1. Action: Approval of Recommended New and Revised Job Descriptions

It is recommended the Governing Board approve the recommendations for the following new and revised job descriptions:

Senior Director of Educational Services
Warehouse Lead
Director of Information Technology Services and Support

  • Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
  • Voting:
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes


1. Information: Workshop and Conference Attendance


It is recommended the Governing Board approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

  • Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
  • Motion seconded by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Voting:
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes

1. Routine Personnel

2. Purchase Order/Credit Card Report and Warrant Listing

3. Revolving Cash Fund Report

4. Donations

5. Change Order – Bid #408-23-24 – Soft Shade Structures

6. Acceptance of Work and Notice of Completion – Emergency Resolution #13-22/23 – Replacement of the Fire Alarm at William H. Frazier Elementary

7. Bid Award #410-23-24 – E-Rate Category 2 – Network Switches for Maie Ellis Elementary School


1. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.

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