Mr. Ricardo Favela, Board Clerk
Ms. Suzanne Lundin, Board Member
Ms. Mary McBride, Board Vice President
Ms. Diane Sebalj, Board Member
In recognition of Patriot Day and Constitution Day, pre-school students from the Mike Choate Early Development Center performed the song “This Land is Your Land”.
Student leaders Josue and Susan introduced a video of events that took place at La Paloma Elementary and Potter Jr. High.
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
Ms. Diane Sebalj – Yes
Mike spoke to the Board about delivering the message to our students about the flag and the symbol of unity it represents to overcome differences that exist in our country.
Ms. Suzanne Lundin spoke about our increase in student enrollment, which is a testament to the District’s extraordinary staff and our working partnership with our parents and the community.
Ms. Diane Sebalj had nothing to report.
Ms. Mary McBride attended the CSBA Board Governance training session and also attended the second session of the Masters in Governance series in San Marcos on Saturday. Ms. McBride then read a statement to inform members of the public that Dr. Stacey McRae had relocated beyond the boundary of her trustee area, and due to trustee area requirements, was no longer eligible to serve as a Board trustee. Ms. McBride advised the public that, pursuant to Board Bylaw 9121, she would perform the President’s duties at that evening’s meeting. If the Board would like to elect a new President, this item can be agendized for the next meeting.
Mrs. Hazel thanked General Woodsworth for hosting the Educators Luncheon on August 23rd. Mrs. Hazel attended with Principals Brian Frost and Joe Kniseley, along with Superintendents from Bonsall, Fallbrook High School, Oceanside and Murrieta, and Dr. Paull, other liaisons and staff from the base. She appreciated the rich discussion related to supporting our military families who are on and off base and how we can work together to support the unique needs our military students experience. They also talked about the California Purple Star Program. This program recognizes schools that are committed to meeting and equipping the needs of our military-connected students and families. Mrs. Hazel announced that all Fallbrook elementary schools would apply to become a Purple Star School and our goal is to have our district become a Purple Star District.
Mrs. Hazel thanked all of the families in Fallbrook for showing up to our back-to-school night. The classrooms were standing room only, childcare was available, and food trucks were there to make things a little more convenient for the families. She thanked the families for prioritizing their time and for building a partnership with their classroom teachers.
Mrs. Hazel thanked the Board for taking the time to build a cohesive governance team. It is really important to renorm and refocus our vision together as a team. They spent time talking about their vision and mission, what their goals are, how they want to measure those goals and how they want to support and model for our schools on how they gather together around a common vision. There is a second session coming up on September 26.
Mrs. Hazel announced that Associate Superintendent Martin and she are headed to Washington DC for the Annual NAFIS Conference this weekend. NAFIS has been the face of Impact Aid before Congress and the Administration and they focus on ensuring that we get extra funding to support our military students. Mrs. Hazel mentioned that it is a great opportunity to share with the organization what the funds are we need to support our military-connected students and to ensure that the federal government continues to offer that support to our schools and district.
Mrs. Hazel announced that our after-school enrichment programs begin today. They are well-attended. There are 56 different sessions that are offered across our 8 after-school programs. The sessions include Creative Arts, Design, e-Sports, and Theatre. There is also Kitchenista, Robotics and so many amazing programs to support our families and students who need after-school care to continue their learning up until 6pm. She acknowledged that there are lots of things to celebrate in Fallbrook. Mrs. Hazel continues to thank you for trusting in her to lead this amazing district.
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
Ms. Diane Sebalj – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
Ms. Diane Sebalj – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
Ms. Diane Sebalj – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
Ms. Diane Sebalj – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
Ms. Diane Sebalj – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
Ms. Diane Sebalj – Yes