Regular Board Meeting | 05/09/2024


Voting Members

  • Ms. Mary McBride, Board Clerk
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela, Board President
  • Dr. Constance Fish, Board Member
  • Mr. Frank Golbeck, Board Member


1. Meeting Called to Order

The meeting was called to order by Board President, Ricardo Favela, at 5:39 p.m.

2. Hearing Session

There were no requests for public comment.

3. Oath of Office

Superintendent Monika Hazel administered the Oath of Office to Frank Golbeck for Trustee Area 1.

4. Adjourn into Closed Session

The Governing Board adjourned into closed session at 5:43 p.m.

5. Closed Session

a. Personnel

6. Return from Closed Session and reconvene into Open Session

The Governing Board returned from closed session and reconvened into open session at 6:27 p.m.

7. Public Report of Action Taken in Closed Session

There was no action taken in closed session.

8. Flag Salute/Student Presentation

The flag salute and student presentation were led by student leaders from San Onofre School.

9. Approve Minutes of the April 9, 2024 Special Meeting and the April 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting

It is recommended the Governing Board approve the minutes of the April 9, 2024 Special Meeting and the April 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting.It is recommended the Governing Board approve the minutes of the April 9, 2024 Special Board Meeting and the April 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting.

  • Motion made by: Ms. Mary McBride
  • Motion seconded by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Voting:
  • Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
  • Mr. Frank Golbeck – Abstain


1. Hearing Session

There were no requests for public comment.

2. Report from the Base Liaison

Dr. Jeff Paull was not present at the Board Meeting.

3. Reports from the Board

Dr. Connie Fish enjoyed participating in the School Lunch Hero Day, describing it as a fun experience.

Ms. Mary McBride joined Superintendent Hazel for a site walkthrough at William H. Frazier, appreciating the progress made by Ms. Rainey and her team. She attended the PTA Presidents Roundtable, noting the collaborative discussions, and also attended the Avocado Festival.

Mr. Frank Golbeck took part in the Don Dornon Games, highlighting the sportsmanship displayed and expressing hope for the event’s growth. He also attended Arts in the Park, where every school hosted a table.

Mr. Ricardo Favela reported personal milestones, noting he is in the last quarter of his master’s program at UCSD and recently celebrated his 20th wedding anniversary.

4. Report from the Superintendent

Ms. Monika Hazel attended the Arts in the Park and the Don Dornon Games, highlighting the strong community support and exemplary sportsmanship observed. She noted that this year’s Arts in the Park was exceptionally well-attended, an indicator of Fallbrook’s strong community spirit. Ms. Hazel also participated in the event clean-up committee with her family.

A significant highlight was the recent announcement by the State Board of Education that Fallbrook has been awarded a $5.7 million grant for the community schools program. This funding will benefit Fallbrook STEM Academy, Maie Ellis, William H. Frazier, and Potter Jr. High.

Ms. Hazel reported that Assistant Superintendent Bustani and Senior Director Curcio conducted reading and literacy meetings across all grade levels. The discussions focused on enhancing reading instruction district-wide. In response to teachers’ requests for more resources, a summer reading incentive program will be initiated to further encourage student engagement.



Parents, Lupita Salmeron and Tania Aguirre, presented to the Governing Board on the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) and District Advisory Committee (DAC) accomplishments and recommendations and highlighted what the committees learned from the district’s needs assessment.


1. Action: New and Updated Board Policies

It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the following Board Policies (BP):

BP 0460 – Local Control and Accountability Plan
BP 0500 – Accountability
BP 0520 – Intervention in Underperforming Schools
BP 0520.1 – Comprehensive and Targeted School Improvement
BP 1431 – Waivers


1. Action: Resolution #24-23/24 Designating May 17, 2024 as Employee Appreciation Day

It is recommended the Governing Board adopt Resolution #24-23/24 Designating May 17, 2024 as Employee Appreciation Day.

  • Motion made by: Ms. Mary McBride
  • Motion seconded by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Voting:
  • Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
  • Mr. Frank Golbeck – Yes


1. Action: Resolution #26-23/24 – Regarding Non-Reemployment of Certain Certificated Employees

It is recommended the Governing Board adopt Resolution #26-23/24 to non-reemploy certain certificated employees pursuant to Education Code 44949 and 44955.

  • Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Motion seconded by: Ms. Mary McBride
  • Voting:
  • Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
  • Mr. Frank Golbeck – Yes

2. Action: Resolution #27-23/24 – Regarding Non-Reemployment or Reduction of Certain Classified Employees

It is recommended the Governing Board adopt Resolution #27-23/24 to non-reemploy or reduce certain classified employees pursuant to Education Code 45114, 45115, 45117, 45298, and 45308.

  • Motion made by: Ms. Mary McBride
  • Motion seconded by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Voting:
  • Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
  • Mr. Frank Golbeck – Yes


1. Public Hearing: Residential and Commercial/Industrial Development School Fee Justification Study

2. Action: Resolution #28-23/24 – To Increase Statutory School Fees Imposed on New Residential and Commercial/Industrial Development Projects Pursuant to Education Code 17620

It is recommended the Governing Board adopt the Development School Fee Justification Study and approve Resolution #28-23/24 to increase statutory school fees imposed on new residential and commercial/industrial development projects pursuant to Education Code 17620.

  • Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Motion seconded by: Mr. Frank Golbeck
  • Voting:
  • Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
  • Mr. Frank Golbeck – Yes

3. Presentation: Facilities Long-Range Master Plan Update

Mr. Bryson Bickler, Director of Facilities, Maintenance and Operations, and Mr. Kevin Fleming, Principal Architect of DLR Group, presented an update to the Governing Board on the District’s facilities long-range master plan.

4. Action: Acceptance of Facilities Long-Range Master Plan

It is recommended the Governing Board accept the Facilities Long-Range Master Plan.

  • Motion made by: Mr. Frank Golbeck
  • Motion seconded by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Voting:
  • Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
  • Mr. Frank Golbeck – Yes


1. Information: Workshop and Conference Attendance


It is recommended the Governing Board approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Superintendent, Monika Hazel, informed the Board Item 9.1 of the Consent Agenda was updated with copies available to the public during the meeting, the updated document was uploaded to Simbli prior to the meeting.

  • Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
  • Motion seconded by: Ms. Mary McBride
  • Voting:
  • Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
  • Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
  • Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
  • Mr. Frank Golbeck – Yes

1. Routine Personnel

2. Purchase Order/Credit Card Report and Warrant Listing

3. Donations

4. Contract: Sehi Computer Products

5. Request to Bid #412-24-25 – CNS Expansion Project

6. Request to Bid #413-24-25 – Fresh Produce

7. Contract: Los Angeles Pacific University


1. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m.

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