Voting Members
- Ms. Mary McBride, Board Clerk
- Mr. Ricardo Favela, Board President
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin, Board Vice President
- Dr. Constance Fish, Board Member
1. Meeting Called to Order
The meeting was called to order by the Board President Ricardo Favela at 5:00 p.m.
2. Hearing Session
3. Adjourn into Closed Session
The Governing Board adjourned into closed session at 5:02 p.m.
4. Closed Session
a. Personnel
b. Expulsion
5. Return from Closed Session and Reconvene into Open Session
The Governing Board returned from closed session and reconvened into open session at 6:02 p.m.
6. Public Report of Action Taken in Closed Session
By a unanimous vote, the Board took action in closed session to terminate the employment agreement with Cynthia Martin, Associate Superintendent of Business Services, without cause. Ms. Martin will be departing the District on February 29, 2024.
The Governing Board passed a motion to accept the Stipulated Expulsion Agreement for Student No. 63307 according to the terms outlined in the Agreement and that the Governing Board suspend the enforcement of the expulsion if Pupil complies with the conditions recommended by the District. 3-1 vote
The Governing Board passed a motion to accept the Stipulated Expulsion Agreement for Student No. 63785 according to the terms outlined in the Agreement and that the Governing Board suspend the enforcement of the expulsion if Pupil complies with the conditions recommended by the District. 3-1 vote
7. Flag Salute/Student Presentation
The flag salute and student presentation were led by student leaders from Maie Ellis Elementary.
8. Approve Minutes of the January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
It is recommended the Governing Board approve the minutes of the January 18, 2024 Regular Board Meeting.
- Motion made by: Ms. Mary McBride
- Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
- Voting:
- Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
- Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
- Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
1. Hearing Session
Marcia Jones addressed the Governing Board concerning the budget and state testing at San Onofre School, highlighting the mental health aspect, mentioning 88 hours of crisis calls, and the associated costs of legal cases.
Frank Tabarez addressed the Governing Board regarding certificated layoffs, specifically concerning PE Teachers.
Corina Canseco shared concerns about certificated layoffs, particularly impacting social workers. She emphasized the importance of mental health and the choice to work in Fallbrook.
Amy Schwenke addressed the Governing Board regarding certificated layoffs, and expressed concern about cuts to Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) supports. She also mentioned her fluency in English and Spanish.
Vanessa Spivey addressed the Governing Board regarding certificated layoffs, focusing on the impact on SEL support.
Gina Roberts addressed the Governing Board regarding classified layoffs, and expressed concerns about the emotional impact on kids.
Stephanie Gaddis addressed the Governing Board regarding classified layoffs, and expressed appreciation for social workers and emphasized the need to ensure teachers can teach.
Roscheia Church addressed the Governing Board regarding classified layoffs, and highlighted the role of a Behavior Technician, support crisis calls, and emphasized that it’s not just a job.
Niko Harbour addressed the Governing Board regarding classified layoffs, and expressed concerns about the lack of proper PE equipment and the need for counseling support.
Paul Padilla addressed the Governing Board regarding classified layoffs, and emphasized the importance of supporting SEL and parents on deployment. He urged prioritization for San Onofre School.
Nissa Ridley addressed the Governing Board regarding certificated layoffs, and expressed concerns about sweeping cuts to SEL and the added strain.
Cameron Chen addressed the Governing Board regarding certificated layoffs, and emphasized the role of a social worker and read a parent letter supporting SEL. She expressed concerns that cutting positions puts children in jeopardy.
Kelsey Finkle addressed the Governing Board regarding certificated layoffs, as a counselor read a parent letter. She highlighted that mental health is a priority.
Erika Colores addressed the Governing Board regarding certificated layoffs, shared a personal story about her son’s cancer and amputation. She recognized the valuable support provided by Ms. Moya and emphasized her importance.
2. Report from the Base Liaison
Dr. Jeff Paull, Base Liaison, shared he is actively preparing for upcoming Earth Week activities and is reaching out to the community for support. Further details and opportunities for community involvement will be communicated in the coming weeks.
3. Reports from the Board
Dr. Connie Fish expressed enthusiasm for the robotics program and highlighted the enjoyment of observing student presentations.
Ms. Mary McBride shared her enjoyment of the student presentation on robotics and discussed the recently concluded Kitchenistas program. She emphasized her passion for nutrition education, enlightening parents about food content.
Ms. Suzanne Lundin and Mr. Ricardo Favela did not provide any reports during the meeting.
4. Report from the Superintendent
Ms. Monika Hazel reported during the meeting there was an opportunity to approve a new collective bargaining agreement with the Fallbrook Elementary Teachers Association (FETA). Gratitude was extended to FETA and FUESD leadership for prioritizing collaboration. Ms. Hazel shared that the leadership team looks forward to recognizing the CSEA family through ongoing dialogue and collaboration during CSEA Negotiations.
Finalizing the CBA provided an opportune moment to reexamine the district’s finances. With the conclusion of the three-year Learning Recovery Plan and the end of COVID-era ESSER Funds, a proposal was made to restructure teams and positions to ensure financial stability. Feedback from staff and the community, aligned with community school surveys, guided these decisions in a collaborative process.
Acknowledging the responsibility as the largest employer in the community, Ms. Hazel reported the implementation of a hiring freeze on potential open positions and a close review of new and existing contracts for fiscal responsibility.
Appreciation was expressed for the support, and Ms. Hazel looks forward to the positive impact of these initiatives on the future of the district.
1. Presentation: Mid-Year LCAP Update
Dr. Kimberly Huesing, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services, presented the Mid-Year LCAP Update to the Board.
2. Presentation: Governor’s Budget Update and Implications
Suzanne O’Connell and Lindsay Pillen from Business Services provided a brief presentation on the Governor’s Budget Update.
1. Action: FETA Tentative Agreement
It is recommended the Governing Board approve the comprehensive Tentative Agreement (Agreement) with the Fallbrook Elementary Teachers’ Association (FETA). The Agreement includes the following:
Effective July 1, 2023, the salary schedules, including Masters, Doctorate and Lead Teacher stipends, shall be increased by 4.25%. Effective July 1, 2024, the salary schedules, including Masters, Doctorate and Lead Teacher stipends, shall be increased by an additional one percent (1%). Effective January 1, 2024, the current negotiated cap (District Contribution) for health benefits is $959.27 for Employee Only, $1,681.12 for Employees with One Enrolled Dependent, and $2,269.90 for Employee & Family (on a tenthly basis).
- Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
- Motion seconded by: Dr. Constance Fish
- Voting:
- Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
- Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
- Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
2. Public Hearing: FUESD 2023-2024 Initial Proposal to California School Employees Association, Chapter 307 (CSEA)
There were no requests to speak from the public.
3. Action: FUESD 2023-2024 Initial Proposal to California School Employees Association, Chapter 307 (CSEA)
It is recommended the Governing Board approve the initial proposal to the California School Employees Association, Chapter 307 (CSEA).
- Motion made by: Ms. Mary McBride
- Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
- Voting:
- Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
- Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
- Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
4. Action: Resolution #11-23/24 -Decrease Number of Certificated Employees
It is recommended the Governing Board adopt Resolution #11-23/24 to initiate a reduction in certificated employee services pursuant to Education Code 44949 and 44955.
- Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
- Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
- Voting:
- Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
- Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
- Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
5. Action: Resolution #12-23/24 – Decrease Number of Classified Employees
It is recommended the Governing Board adopt Resolution #12-23/24 to initiate a reduction in classified employee services pursuant to Education Code 44949 and 44955.
- Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
- Motion seconded by: Ms. Mary McBride
- Voting:
- Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
- Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
- Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
6. Action: Resolution #13-23/24 Tie Breaking Resolution
It is recommended the Governing Board approve Tie Breaking Resolution #13-23/24.
- Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
- Motion seconded by: Ms. Mary McBride
- Voting:
- Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
- Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
- Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
7. Action: Early Retirement Notice Stipend
It is recommended the Governing Board approve the limited, one-time stipend to employees who provide early notice of their intent to retire with an effective date no later than June 30, 2024.
- Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
- Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
- Voting:
- Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
- Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
- Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
8. Action: Contract Agreement with the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services
It is recommended the Governing Board approve the three (3) year contract with Armando Farias, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services.
- Motion made by: Ms. Mary McBride
- Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
- Voting:
- Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
- Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
- Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
9. Action: Contract Agreement with the Assistant Superintendent of Education Services
It is recommended the Governing Board approve the three (3) year contract with Tavga S. Bustani, Assistant Superintendent, Education Services.
- Motion made by: Dr. Constance Fish
- Motion seconded by: Ms. Mary McBride
- Voting:
- Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
- Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
- Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
10. Action: Contract Agreement with the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
It is recommended the Governing Board approve the three (3) year contract with Kimberly A. Huesing, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources.
- Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
- Motion seconded by: Ms. Mary McBride
- Voting:
- Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
- Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
- Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
1. Action: Comprehensive School Safety Plans 2023-24
It is recommended the Governing Board approve the Comprehensive School Safety Plans for the 2023-2024 school year at the following school sites: Fallbrook STEM Academy, La Paloma Elementary, Live Oak Elementary, Maie Ellis Elementary, Mary Fay Pendleton School, Potter Junior High School, San Onofre School and William H. Frazier School.
- Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
- Motion seconded by: Dr. Constance Fish
- Voting:
- Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
- Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
- Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
2. Action: 2024-2025 Mike Choate Center for Early Childhood Development Instructional Calendar
It is recommended the Governing Board approve the Mike Choate Center for Early Childhood Development Instructional Calendar for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
- Motion seconded by: Ms. Mary McBride
- Voting:
- Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
- Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
- Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
3. Information: Workshop and Conference Attendance
It is recommended the Governing Board approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
- Motion made by: Ms. Mary McBride
- Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
- Voting:
- Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
- Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
- Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
- Dr. Constance Fish – Yes
1. Routine Personnel
2. Purchase Order/Credit Card Report and Warrant Listing
3. Revolving Cash Fund Report
4. Donations
5. District Surplus – Sale
6. Contract: Carson Scholars Fund: Think Big Reading Room (LAP)
7. Contract: Career Catalyst Program
8. Contract: Woolpert
1. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.