Picnic Perfect: Fallbrook STEM’s Family Feast on the Lawn

Fallbrook STEM Academy recently hosted a heartwarming Lunch on the Lawn with the aim of nurturing a sense of community and togetherness. Parents, students, and staff congregated on the school’s front lawn, which was transformed into a bustling center of joy and connection.

The focal point of the gathering was the opportunity for families to spend quality time together, enjoying shared meals and each other’s company. Parents walked in with home made lunches, pizza and even happy meals, ready to share a meal with their students. Blankets and chairs were scattered across the lawn, providing cozy spots for families to gather and enjoy the festivities side by side.

Seth Trench, Director of Communication for Fallbrook Union Elementary School District, expressed his admiration for the turnout, stating, “It’s truly amazing to witness such a turnout of FUESD families. It speaks volumes about the incredible job Live Oak Teachers and staff have done in fostering a thriving school culture.”

A standout feature of the event was the delicious fare provided by Child Nutrition Services. Mouthwatering Cheese Burgers and fresh salads, crafted from locally-sourced ingredients, underscored the district’s commitment to providing nutritious meals to its students.

As the day drew to a close, attendees reflected on the cherished moments shared and the connections forged. “Lunch on the Lawn” served as a poignant reminder of the power of community and the significance of coming together as one big family.

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