In the heart of Fallbrook, the Mike Choate Early Education Center stands as a beacon of nurturing and educational excellence for the community’s youngest members. Serving three and four-year-olds, this esteemed institution is dedicated to fostering early academic and social skills through a comprehensive and inclusive approach that makes learning both fun and effective.
At the core of the center’s offerings are four California State Preschool classrooms and two special education classrooms, each designed to cultivate a strong foundation for lifelong learning. The program ensures that every child, regardless of background or ability, is engaged in integrated activities that promote both academic and social development.
The Mike Choate Early Education Center offers subsidized part-day services for eligible children, making high-quality early education accessible to families who need it most. The curriculum is meticulously crafted to be developmentally appropriate, culturally relevant, and linguistically inclusive, ensuring that all children feel seen and supported. In addition to educational excellence, the center prioritizes the health and well-being of its students by providing nutritious meals, which are crucial for young, growing bodies.
Understanding the importance of family involvement in early education, the center also offers parent education programs and referrals to essential health and social services. This holistic approach ensures that families receive the support they need to foster their children’s development. The professional and trained staff at the Mike Choate Early Education Center are dedicated to creating a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment, where every child is encouraged to explore and grow.
The Mike Choate Early Education Center is currently accepting applications for three and four-year-olds. For more information about the programs and enrollment at the Mike Choate Early Education Center, please visit