Heroic Actions at Potter Junior High Save Local Fallbrook Resident’s Life

Mr. Rocky Dixon (center, in red) stands with the incredible Potter Junior High staff who acted quickly and heroically to save his life.

The quick and selfless actions of staff and community members at Potter Junior High School helped save the life of a longtime Fallbrook resident, Mr. Rocky Dixon, after he suffered a severe injury near the school’s campus earlier this week.

Mr. Dixon, who had suffered a deep cut and was losing blood quickly, realized he couldn’t make it to urgent care on his own. He pulled over in front of Potter Junior High just as school was letting out. His situation quickly drew the attention of bystanders, including former lifeguards and EMTs who were first on the scene.

A crucial turning point came when Potter Junior High’s school nurse, Mrs. Lopez, quickly responded and asked for a belt to use as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of the nurse and community members, they were able to stabilize Mr. Dixon before he was taken for emergency surgery.

Mr. Dixon later shared his gratitude, acknowledging that without the timely response of Mrs. Lopez and others, he may not have survived. “This action saved my life,” Mr. Dixon said. “The surgeon told me I had about 5-10 minutes left before I would have bled out.”

In response to the heroic efforts made by the Potter Junior High community, Seth Trench, Director of Communications for (FUESD), said, “We are incredibly proud of the swift actions of everyone at Potter Junior High. Their immediate response, led by Nurse Lopez, truly reflects the spirit of our community—a place where compassion and care come first. This was a shining example of how we come together to look out for each other in times of need.”

Potter Junior High extends its heartfelt gratitude to all who assisted in this life-saving effort, demonstrating the true power of community and care.


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