Public Testimony Request

Public Comment

Closed Session:
For members wishing to speak during the closed hearing session, please submit a public comment request card in person (available at the Welcome Table) prior to the start of the Closed Session being called to order or online via the following link 30 minutes prior to the start of the Closed Session: Digital Public Comment Request

Open Session:
For members wishing to speak during the open hearing session, please submit a public comment request card in person (available at the Welcome Table) prior to the start of the Open Session being called to order or online via the following link 30 minutes prior to the start of the Open Session: Digital Public Comment Request

Public Testimony virtually

To provide Public Testimony virtually via Zoom Webinar:

Please click on the Join Via Computer or Join Via Phone, in the Join the Board Meeting section of this page.

Regular Meeting Public Testimony Virtual Speakers Please Note: Join the meeting by clicking on the button Via Computer or Via Phone in the Join the Board Meeting section of this page.

Via Computer: The name displayed on the screen should match the name on the submitted Digital Public Comment Request form. When your name is called, you will be allowed to speak, please unmute yourself at that time. If you hear your name called and are unable to unmute yourself, the next speaker will be called. Once all speakers have been called for the item your name will be called again; please unmute yourself. Staff does not have the ability to access a personal device to unmute a speaker.

Via Phone: The phone number you call from should match the phone number on the submitted Digital Public Comment Request form. Please follow the provided prompts that are given during the call. When your name is called, you will be allowed to speak, please unmute yourself at that time. If you hear your name called and are unable to unmute yourself, the next speaker will be called. Once all speakers have been called for the item your name will be called again; please unmute yourself. Staff does not have the ability to access a personal device to unmute a speaker.

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission is to prepare every student leader with the knowledge and skill-set needed to thrive in high school, college, and career.

Our Vision is for every FUESD student to be a confident, compassionate and courageous member of the community, who is prepared to make a meaningful contribution to the world.

Contact Us

321 Iowa St.
Fallbrook, CA 92028

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