Mary Fay Pendleton Student Reading in a “Reading Cozy Corner.”
Fallbrook Union Elementary School District (FUESD) is celebrating the success of this year’s summer programs, which placed a strong emphasis on reading. The 2024 Super Summer Camp, held at La Paloma Elementary, saw over 1,000 students from Kindergarten through eighth grade participate in an array of enriching educational activities. These programs included Extended School Year (ESY), Migrant Education, and Super Summer Camp, all of which enthusiastically embraced the FUESD Reading Challenge.
Super Summer Camp students engaged in thematic reading literature, with each grade level diving into a sports novel. This initiative culminated in a STEM Sports Project, where students showcased their learning by integrating their grade-level sport novel into a creative and educational project. For instance, second and third graders read the Jackie Robinson story and concluded with a STEAM project that involved creating a pitching machine. Sixth graders explored the lives and careers of inspirational soccer players. District Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSAs) collaborated to develop literature-based English Language Arts (ELA) lessons that aligned with grade-level standards and incorporated the sports theme. This collaborative effort ensured that students not only improved their reading skills but also connected with the material on a deeper level.
In addition to Super Summer Camp, the Extended Learning Opportunity (ELO), Migrant Education, and Extended School Year programs also participated in the FUESD 2024 Summer Reading Initiative. Each classroom was equipped with a book nook featuring leveled readers and a color-coded system, allowing students to select books that matched their reading levels.
The reading challenge prompted students to reflect on their reading skills and preferences, such as how the challenge helped increase their reading skills, what their favorite books or reading series were, what they learned about themselves as readers, and who their favorite characters were.
Building on the success of the summer programs, FUESD will continue the Reading Initiative in every school, with each classroom receiving a book nook. Students will engage in 20 minutes of guided reading daily, tracking their reading minutes to foster a love for reading and build stamina.
Seth Trench, FUESD Director of Communications, shared his thoughts on the program: “Our vision was to create a culture of reading for Fallbrook students by giving them access to high-interest books at their independent reading levels, creating a warm and inviting reading environment in every classroom, and building stamina through 20 minutes of daily independent reading. This summer’s success has set a strong foundation for our ongoing efforts.
As part of this initiative, every classroom will have a dedicated book nook. The expectations for these book nooks include providing a diverse selection of books, maintaining an inviting space, and encouraging students to explore and enjoy reading.
Stay tuned for the total number of minutes read at each site, showcasing the dedication and progress of our young readers.