FUESD Launches Super Summer Camp 2024 “Book Nook” Reading Initiative

The Fallbrook Union Elementary School District (FUESD) is excited to announce the launch of the “Book Nook” reading initiative as part of our Super Summer Camp 2024. This innovative program aims to cultivate a love of reading among students, encouraging them to become lifelong readers.

The Book Nook offers a creative and engaging approach to reading outside the traditional classroom setting. Students will have the opportunity to select from a variety of books that match their reading levels. They can then relax in a comfortable and inviting environment filled with cozy pillows and rugs, making the experience of reading both enjoyable and immersive.

“Our vision is to create a culture of reading for Fallbrook students,” said Seth Trench, FUESD Director of Communications. “By offering a comfortable and engaging reading environment, we hope to instill the joy of reading in every student, encouraging them to become lifelong readers.”

The Book Nook initiative aims to provide students with access to high-interest books at their independent reading levels, create a warm and inviting reading atmosphere in every classroom, build reading stamina through 30 minutes of daily independent reading, offer daily, teacher-led small group guided reading sessions, and make reading an enjoyable and fun activity for all students.

The Book Nook program is designed to enhance students’ reading experiences by allowing them the freedom to choose books they are genuinely interested in and enjoy their reading time in a relaxed setting. This initiative supports FUESD’s commitment to fostering a love of learning and reading among all students.

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