Regular Board Meeting | 10/16/2023 – 06:00 PM


Voting Members
Mr. Ricardo Favela, Board Clerk
Ms. Suzanne Lundin, Board Member
Ms. Mary McBride, Board Vice President
Ms. Diane Sebalj, Board Member

1. Meeting Called to Order

The meeting was called to order by Acting President Mary McBride at 5:04 p.m.
2. Hearing Session

There were no requests for public comment.
3. Adjourn into Closed Session

The Governing Board adjourned into closed session at 5:06 p.m.
4. Closed Session
a. Personnel
1. Public Employment Performance Evaluation (Government Code Section 54957(b)(i) Title: Superintendent
5. Return from Closed Session and reconvene into Open Session

The Governing Board returned from closed session and reconvened into open session at 6:05 p.m.
6. Public Report of Action Taken in Closed Session

There was no action taken in closed session.
7. Flag Salute/Student Presentation

The flag salute and student presentation were led by FUESD student leaders from William H. Frazier Elementary.
8. Approve Minutes of the October 2, 2023 Regular Meeting

It is recommended the Governing Board approve the minutes of the October 2, 2023 regular meeting.

Motion made by: Mr. Ricardo Favela
Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin


Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
Ms. Diane Sebalj – Yes
1. Hearing Session

Ms. Alison Madera, works at William H. Frazier, addressed the board and thanked the board and the District for steps taken in regards to technology.

Corey Uhdin, on behalf of Assembly Member Waldron, presented a certificate to Trustee Mary McBride for Hispanic Heritage Month.

Item Board Vacancy:
Michael, Jennifer Mariucci and Susan Liebes all addressed the board regarding the board vacancy and the interview process.

Ms. Angelica Ventura, Ms. Constance Fellios, Ms. Sandra Forrest and Ms. Emily Avila Zilk all addressed the board in support of Ms. Leticia Maldonado-Stamos for the position of Trustee Area 4 to the Board.

Ms. Itzel Galicia and Ms. Sulema Mendoza addressed the board in support of Ms. Anabel Canseco for the position of Trustee Area 4 to the Board.

Ms. Marilyn McGregory and Ms. Dolly Harty addressed the board in support of Ms. Cathy Kerley for the position of Trustee Area 4 to the Board.

Ms. Lila Hargrove addressed the board in support of Ms. Constance Fish for the position of Trustee Area 4 to the Board.

Ms. Taylor Shannon, Ms. Carol Johnson, and Ms. Debbie Schubarth addressed the board in support of Ms. Jane Wasko for the position of Trustee Area 4 to the Board.

Ms. Kelsey Guadarrama addressed the board in support of Mr. Willam Cavanaugh for the position of Trustee Area 4 to the Board.

Mr. Jason Mesas and Ms. Jayne Hill addressed the board in support of Ms. Roxanne Fee for the position of Trustee Area 4 to the Board.

2. Report from the Base Liaison

Dr. Jeff Paul, Base Liaison, reported that on November 9, 2023, the Commanding General will host a 248th birthday celebration for the United States Marine Corps. Invitation to the event has been extended to the Superintendent and Board.
3. Reports from the Board

Ms. Suzanne Lundin and Ms. Diane Sebalj had no report.

Mr. Ricardo Favela shared that he attended CSBA Masters in Governance Training. Mr. Favela recognized the organization of parent teacher conference in allowing the first half of the conference to be student led and highlighted his own son’s leadership. Mr. Favela shared that registration for softball spring season has begun.

Ms. Mary McBride shared that she also attended CSBA Masters in Governance Training. Ms. McBride thanked all applicants for Trustee Area 4 Vacancy and all public speakers who spoke on their behalf. Ms. McBride highlighted that during Board Workshop with CSBA consultant Bob Caine, the board discussed and came to a consensus regarding our collective board commitments in support of the district vision and mission.

4. Report from the Superintendent

During the school district board meeting, Ms. Monika Hazel expressed her gratitude for all of the candidates that applied for the Trustee Area 4 vacancy. Ms. Hazel shared that she feels privileged being a part of the FUESD Team. Thanked everyone that came out and for all candidates that applied.

Ms. Hazel congratulated Lillian Perez from Extended Learning Opportunity for being 1 out of 10 recipients from the State of California receiving the Lights On Leadership Award for Innovative Leadership. Ms. Hazel recognized that Ms. Perez and ELO were chosen as the recipients for this award because of the amazing work they have done with the expanded learning programs at the Fallbrook Union Elementary School District.

Ms. Hazel shared that students had a wonderful time at the Rotary LEAD Conference. Ms. Hazel shared that students received cozy sweaters and backpacks full of materials they would need for the weekend.
1. Governing Board Vacancy: Provisional Candidate Interviews for Trustee Area 4 of the Fallbrook Union Elementary School District

The Governing Board interviewed Jane P. Wasko, Elena Leticia Maldonado, Roxanne Fee, William R. Cavanaugh, Anabel Laura Canseco, Cathy Kerley, and Constance Fish, all qualified candidates to fill the Trustee Area 4 vacancy on the Fallbrook Union Elementary School District Governing Board.
2. Action: Provisional Appointment of Area 4 Trustee to the Fallbrook Union Elementary School District

It is recommended the Governing Board make a provisional appointment for candidate Constance Fish as Area 4 Trustee to the Fallbrook Union Elementary School District.
Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
Motion seconded by: Mr. Ricardo Favela


Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
Ms. Diane Sebalj – Yes

Motion passed.
1. Information: FUESD 2023-2024 Initial Proposals to Fallbrook Elementary Teachers Association (FETA)
2. Public Hearing: Fallbrook Elementary Teachers Association (FETA) Initial Proposals for Negotiations to FUESD
1. Information: Williams Complaint, 1st Quarterly Report
2. Action: Resolution #08-23/24: Red Ribbon Week

It is recommended the Governing Board declare October 23 – October 27, 2023 as Red Ribbon Week, theme: Be Kind To Your Mind. Live Drug Free.
Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
Motion seconded by: Ms. Diane Sebalj


Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
Ms. Diane Sebalj – Yes

Motion passed.
3. Action: Resolution #09-23/24: California State Preschool Program

It is recommended the Governing Board approve Resolution #09-23/24, California State Preschool Program.
Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
Motion seconded by: Mr. Ricardo Favela


Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
Ms. Diane Sebalj – Yes

Motion passed.

It is recommended the Governing Board approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Motion made by: Mr. Ricardo Favela
Motion seconded by: Ms. Diane Sebalj


Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
Ms. Diane Sebalj – Yes

Motion passed.
1. Routine Personnel
2. Purchase Order/Credit Card Report and Warrant Listing
3. Revolving Cash Fund Report
4. District Surplus – Sale
5. Contract: Mobile Ed Productions (ELOP Fall Camp)
1. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 10:38 p.m.

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