Voting Members
Mr. Ricardo Favela, Board Clerk
Ms. Suzanne Lundin, Board Member
Ms. Mary McBride, Board Vice President
1. Meeting Called to Order
The meeting was called to order by Acting President Mary McBride at 5:15 p.m.
2. Hearing Session
There were no requests for public comment.
3. Adjourn into Closed Session
The Governing Board adjourned into closed session at 5:15 p.m.
4. Closed Session
a. Personnel
1. Public Employment Performance Evaluation (Government Code Section 54957(b)(i) Title: Superintendent
b. Conference with Labor Negotiators
5. Return from Closed Session and reconvene into Open Session
The Governing Board returned from closed session and reconvened into open session at 6:00 p.m.
6. Public Report of Action Taken in Closed Session
There was no action taken in closed session.
7. Flag Salute/Student Presentation
The flag salute and student presentation were led by FUESD student leaders Ares Miramontes (8th Grde) and Veronica Perez (8th Grade) from Potter Junior High.
8. Approve Minutes of September 11, 2023 Regular Meeting and September 26, 2023 Special Meeting
It is recommended the Governing Board approve the minutes of the September 11, 2023 regular meeting and September 26, 2023 special meeting.
Motion made by: Mr. Ricardo Favela
Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
1. Hearing Session
Ms. Leticia Maldonado Stamos spoke about the Hispanic Heritage Month Resolution, and her experience living in the Fallbrook Community. Ms. Maldonado Stamos thanked FUESD for this resolution.
2. Report from the Base Liaison
Dr. Jeff Paul, Base Liaison, had nothing to report.
3. Reports from the Board
Ms. Suzanne Lundin spoke about the CSBA workshop and reported that she was pleased to be part of the workshop. She shared that the Workshop was an informative and productive program.
Mr. Ricardo Favela thanked the parents and teachers from Potter Junior High for a great presentation and shared that it was beautiful to see Fallbrook’s cultural wealth. Mr. Favela thanked Fallbrook Steam Academy for the beautiful flowers. Mr. Favela shared that groundbreaking took place for the 6.8 acre new park on Fallbrook Street. Mr. Favela shared that this project has been in the works for 14 years and that it is expected to be built in a year and a half. Mr. Favela shared that he participated in his third Masters in Governance session which focused on finances and negotiations. He shared a personal highlight regarding his daughter who is participating in a Dr. Seuss musical at Moonlight Theatre and shared that it is an excellent production.
Ms. Mary McBride expressed her appreciation for all the students involved in making the paper flowers and the student presentation. She thanked the students from Potter Junior High for their Ballet Folklorico dance, which she enjoyed watching, and then joined the students in their dance. Ms. McBridge thanked cabinet members, Mr. Caine and Ms. Hazel for the CSBA workshop. Ms. McBride shared that she participated in the third session of Masters in Governance with Ms. Hazel and Mr. Favela and expressed that it had been the most interesting session so far.
4. Report from the Superintendent
During the school district board meeting, Ms. Monika Hazel expressed her gratitude to all the students for their presentations and conveyed her appreciation for the diversity of cultures that make up Fallbrook. She emphasized the significance of celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, given that 65% of students and families in the District identify as Hispanic, stressing that this celebration should extend beyond just one month.
Ms. Hazel also expressed her thanks for the community partnership and announced a generous allocation of $500 to each FUESD school for the purpose of enriching their libraries with books that celebrate Hispanic culture in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month.
Ms. Hazel provided an update on the Trustee Vacancy Process. She explained that Trustees McBride and Favela were elected during the special meeting on September 26, 2023, to serve on the application review subcommittee, alongside Superintendent Hazel. Their primary role is to screen candidates, ensuring they reside within Area 4 boundaries, are of legal age, and have no disqualifying criminal records for school campus involvement. Ms. Hazel also announced that all eligible candidates would be interviewed publicly during the October 16th board meeting. The application deadline is set for Friday, October 6, at 4:00 p.m., and interested individuals can apply either via email or in person.
Furthermore, Ms. Hazel stressed the importance of ongoing professional development within the education profession. She highlighted that 11 teachers participated in a professional learning event, Bizztown, on a Saturday, showcasing the district’s commitment to supporting the growth and advancement of its employees in their careers.
1. Resolution #06-23/24 Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month
It is recommended the Governing Board approve Resolution 06-23/24 recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month
Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
Motion seconded by: Mr. Ricardo Favela
Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
1. Information: FETA 2023-2024 Initial Proposal to Fallbrook Union Elementary School District
Armando Farias – FETA have presented their sunshine proposals. No action is needed.
1. Information: Workshop and Conference Attendance
2. Action: Resolution #07-23/24: Sufficiency of Instructional Materials
It is recommended the Governing Board approve Resolution #07-23/24 Sufficiency of Instructional Materials for the 2023-24 school year.
Motion made by: Mr. Ricardo Favela
Motion seconded by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
It is recommended the Governing Board approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Motion made by: Ms. Suzanne Lundin
Motion seconded by: Mr. Ricardo Favela
Mr. Ricardo Favela – Yes
Ms. Suzanne Lundin – Yes
Ms. Mary McBride – Yes
1. Routine Personnel
2. Purchase Order/Credit Card Report and Warrant Listing
3. Revolving Cash Fund Report
4. Donations
5. Acceptance of Work and Notice of Completion – Bid #400-22-23 – Soft Shade Structures
6. Interdistrict Transfer Agreement with Dehesa School District 2023-2028
7. Contract: Special Education, Testing and Therapy
8. Contract: Bid #405-23-24 – Special Education Transportation Services
9. Contract: Mobile Ed Productions (San Onofre School)
Meeting adjourned at 6:32 p.m.
1. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 6:32 p.m.